Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
xtr::ContextRepresents an X-Trace context, which carries information about the current task and the most recent preceding event in a thread
xtr::EventRepresents an X-Trace Event, with enough information to generate an X-Trace report
xtr::EventEdgeRepresents an edge in an X-Trace graph, i.e., a causal relationship between two events
xtr::Id< max_len >Represents an id as an array of bytes with a maximum length
xtr::MetadataRepresents an X-Trace metadata
xtr::OpIdRepresents the id of an event, which should be unique within a single task
xtr::OptionRepresents an X-Trace metadata option
xtr::OptionAnyThis class can represent any option, and is used when we don't have a specific class for an option
xtr::OptionChainIdA ChainId X-Trace metadata option
xtr::OptionNopA No-op option for X-Trace, serialized to a single '0' byte
xtr::OptionsRepresents the list of options in the X-Trace metadata
xtr::OptionSeverityA Severity X-Trace metadata option
xtr::TaskIdRepresents the id of an X-Trace task