Deprecated List
Global xtr::Context::createEvent (const char *agent, const char *label, u_int8_t severity=OptionSeverity::_DEFAULT)
use Context::prepareEvent() and Context::logEvent(Event * e, u_int8_t severity) instead. The problem with this call is that it advances the X-Trace context independent of reporting. If the reporting doesn't happen (for example, if the buffer is full or if severity won't allow), then the graph gets disconnected. The right way to do this is to advance the context only if reporting happens, which the other calls do correctly.
Global xtr::Event::addTimestamp (const char *label)
, does nothing.
Class xtr::EventEdge
With the deprecation of chainIds and edge directions, this class has little reason to exist, and will be replaced by an OpId object, or by a Metadata object, if we decide to allow edges between tasks.